The Municipality of Rose Valley Borough is steeped in community and history that is as rich as its beautiful natural surroundings. This is a Municipality that perfectly blends modernity and old-world charm, not just in its unique architecture but in the everyday life of its residents.
The enthusiastic, innovative officials meet regularly to ensure that Rose Valley Borough remains a place that will thrive for generations to come. This passion continues with the devoted community members, who are quick to welcome all with a warm smile. Come visit and feel at home.
Mayor of Rose Valley
William Hale became Mayor in January of 2022. The Mayor's duties include enforcing ordinances and regulations, reporting to Council from time to time on the state of the Borough, and making recommendations to the Council on matters of Borough concern. The Mayor may vote on matters before Borough Council only in the event of a tie vote among Council members present.
Mayor - William Hale
Borough Manager - Paula Healy
Office Assistant - Lisa Fink

Matthew Sullivan - President
Joseph Hare - Vice President & Finance
Shannon Prown - President Pro Tempore & Planning
Leonard Busby - EAC representative
Cheryl Harner - Public Safety
Kathryn Mehan - Library
Tony Orr - Highways, Insurance & Technology

Controller - John Neilson
Treasurer - Christopher Bourke
Solicitor - G. Guy Smith
Engineer - G. D. Houtman & Co.
Health Officer - Dr. Sam Ruby
Emergency Planning Coordinator - Brent Hopkins
Representative to H. K. Furness Library Board - Kathryn Mehan

Alan Gee, Chair
John Curtis
Scott Laughlin
Michael P. Dignazio, Solicitor

Shannon Prown - Chair
Steve Karlovic
Jim Kaufman
Ron Ploeg
Matt Sullivan
Hope Thurlow

Voting Members:
Leonard Busby, Chair & Rose Valley Borough Council Liaison
Roger Latham (Vice Chair)
Jim Audley
Ron Ploeg
Katie Rubin
Cindy McPherson
Associate Members:
Monica Gagliardi
Peter Howell
Byron Sherwood